Brief recap of Veterans For Peace Chapter #161 activities
- VFP161 2022 Activity Summary
- Co-sponsored Iowa Peace Initiatives Conference in Dubuque, Sept, 2010
- Group coffee with Matthew Hoh, veteran of Marines and State Dept, Nov, 2010
- Organized Armistice Day Observance at Old Capitol 2010,2011,2012, 2013, 2014, with meal and open mike afterwards for all VFP in Iowa and the public
- Organized Iraq War Vigil. Des Moines 2011, Iowa City 2012
- Organized Afghan War Vigil: Iowa City & Clinton,2011; Iowa City , 2012, 2013, 2014
- Numerous letters to the editor from the group on Iraq, Afghanistan, Cost of war,drones,etc.
- Numerous visits to elementary & secondary school classrooms
- Numerous visits with church groups
- Numerous lobbying efforts at US Senate offices and offices of US House of Rep.
- Co-sponsorship of month-long exhibit, Windows & Mirrors, at Coralville Public Library, Sept,2012
- Coordination of visit of Kathy Kelly, 3-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, to Windows & Mirrors
- Organized & co-sponsored James Zogby (pres of Arab American Institute),in IC,CR,CF,&DM, 2011
- Sponsored USS Liberty events in June, 2012, featuring former Congressman Paul Findley and three survivors of the 1967 Israeli attack on USS Liberty
- Participated in veterans' parade at State Fair, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Participated in Coralville 4th of July parade, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
- Greeted Ragbrai riders , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Assisted in organizing two other VFP Chapters (#163 & 169) in Iowa
- Organized No US Missiles in Syria rally, Sept, 2013
- Organized and participated in 6 rallies regarding Reaper Drone control unit in Iowa. Latest, March 2015.
- Co-sponsored and participated in the Ground the Drones Walk, June,2013
- Hosted visits by two national VFP presidents, Elliott Adams & Leah Bolger
- Co-hosted two of the founders of UK VFP, Ben Griffin & Mike Lyons,
- Assisted VFP #169 in James Yee (Muslim Chaplain at Guantanamo), events, 11-2013
- Had several public showings of Unmanned:America's Drone Wars, Feb 2014
- Sponsored Dirty Wars movie at Iowa City's Film Scene theater,Mar, 2014
- Participated in No Drones actions Mar 2014, Iowa City & Des Moines, including Elliott Adams, Kathy Kelly, Daniel Hale, & VFP members from several states. And Sept, 2014 with Medea Benjamin.
- With VFP Chapters #163 & #169, shared Dingman Peace Award given by Des Moines Catholic Peace Ministry, April, 2014
- July, 2014 letter, no 2nd Iraq war, sent to DC reps and 8 newspapers,signed by 20 members
- Participated in memorial service for VFP #163 member, Bill Basinger, summer, 2014.
- Cooperated with three other groups in a booth at Johnson Co. Fair, July,2014
- John Ivens, in cooperation with Ray McGovern & Michael Prysner, presented workshop on Ukraine at VFP National Convention in Asheville, NC. Summer, 2014.
- Organized observance of 50 Years since Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Johnson Co. Courthouse lawn, Aug. 7, 2014. Testimony of five VFP #161 Vietnam vets.
- Participated (Diana Henry lead-off speaker) at 8-21-2014 rally on IC Ped Mall in solidarity with Michael Brown and reform of domestic police activities
- Cooperated and provided 3 speakers at Campaign Nonviolence rally on IC Ped Mall,9-21-2014
- Assisted in Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich' visit to Iowa in October, 2014
- Sponsored Joyeux Noel movie at IC Film Scene, 12-25-2014, to overflow crowd.
- Participated in MLK Day observances in Iowa City, 1-19-2015 Organized MLK memorial event at U of IA, read his Riverside Speech. Participated in Kite Flying Day (in conjunction with Afghan Peace Volunteers, with 100Grannies) Apr, 4 2016
- Organized and sponsored week-long speaking tour by Ann Wright and Kathy Kelly, May, 2016, in cooperation with VFP Chapters #163 and #169.
- They spoke in eight different cities, spoke at universities, high schools, church groups, mosques, Iowa City Rotary Club.
- Organized protest against armed Reaper Drones at Iowa Air National Guard Base, Des Moines. Led by ret. Col Ann Wright (this was the 8th war-drone protest organized by #161, in cooperation with VFP #163 and DM peace groups)
- Helped organize and participate in International Conscientious Objector Day observance outside of Iowa City Public Library, May 15th.
- Marched as a unit in Iowa City Gay Pride Parade, June, 2016
- With 100Grannies, PEACE Iowa, and Iowa Physicians for Social Responsibility, we participated for the 8th year in a row in the Coralville 4th of July parade.
- July Johnson County Fair. Third year of cooperating with 100G, PEACE Iowa, and Iowa PSR in a booth for the 4-day fair.
- July 30th. For the 10th year in a row, we greeted 10,000+ RAGBRAI riders on the last day of their ride, east of Washington.
- October 7th, 15-year observance of U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Together with PACG (Progressive Action for the Common Good), we led this event outside of the Federal Courthouse in Davenport, Following the observance, we were guests at the Quad Cities Islamic Center community dinner.
- November 10th, VFP representatives spoke to five Jr. Hi. Global Studies classes at NW Jr. High. Third year of doing this. Invited by teacher, Alissa Meggitt.
- November 11th, Armistice Day Observance at entrance to Old Capitol, attended by 100 citizens and VFP members from across the state. The observance was followed by a meal hosted by #161 at the ICPL, with enthusiastic open mic discussion.
- Several members of VFP #161 participated in various efforts to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline.
- Participated in presentation to Maureen McCue's Univ. of Iowa class, "War or Health."
- During the year, members participated in weekly Friday peace vigils at the Pentacrest in Iowa City.